Saturday, January 30, 2010

Whats The Difference Between Chlamydia And Herpes Do I Have Chlamydia? If So, Does It Relate To Herpes? What Is The Difference Between Herpes And Shingles?

Do I have Chlamydia? If so, does it relate to Herpes? What is the difference between herpes and shingles? - whats the difference between chlamydia and herpes

It seems to be a chronic fungal infections recently. I never used to get as much as I do it now. The only connection I can only my ex B / f. He told me that his ex g / f used to get all the time. I was with shingles a few years ago diagnosed ... Is there a connection? I know that you say that I see my doctor and I will. A part of me is afraid that probably could have f. contracted chlamydia from my ex B / To know what's going to crush me out! How to start a new relationship and should explain that? Now my symptoms are: Sacha touch my skin and was moved to the back of the thigh, itchyness a stabbing pain in my leg into my foot, malaise, fatigue, light and unloading.


  1. I do not know much about chlamydia - you should see a doctor about this diagnosis.

    But I know a lot about genital herpes.

    It is good compared chlamydia infection.

    Shingles is by the varicella virus is causing (this) is a type of herpes virus. You can only get if you have had shingles, chickenpox. Basically, this is a later development of the chickenpox virus that lies dormant in your body when you have had chickenpox. It has weakened more common in older people and people whose immune system is. Basically, the immune system is weak, no longer hold suffiently to chickpox virus (which has remained dormant in the body because it is chicken pox) in the bay, and you get an outbreak of shingles. It is characterized by a feeling of pain, such as the outbreak of herpes in your body - usually on the torso, I think. It is not genital area.

    For more information about oral and genital herpes, I recommend the website below. It is concise and easy to read.

    I am not sure for more information, please sendInformation about chlamydia, but there may be some information on the website too. Wikipedia can be a good starting point for information on shingles.

    Good luck.

  2. Listen, if you can get chlamydia antibiotics for her and leaves.

    Fungal infections are common and can only be caused by hormonal changes.

    Pain seems that serious, and no matter what you do, go to the doctor and tell him what you said here. They take care of you.

  3. In fact, one can not say that. These are signs of HIV, you should see immediately. Ask your doctor for Enzyte, the progression of the beginning of the end of the outbreak of AIDS. Go Now, every minute counts.

  4. Herpes is a virus that can be treated, not cured. Genitalia is an area to achieve, but in / on other parts of the body. You need to be evaluated to see what you have. Leg symptoms seem vague. Some STDs can cause permanent damage, so the sooner you make the best test. Fungal infections are caused by many different factors, including diet, hormones, clothing, medicines you are taking. Again, only testing will tell for sure. Over the counter drugs must take care of the yeast infection, if that is what it is. It could also be Gardnerella, not to be confused with gonorrhea .... very different diseases. WebMD time is also helpful for these types of things.
